Boasting an energy efficient 1500W firepower with evenly distributed and adjustable heating for a seamless cooking experience.
KSh. 3,500/-
KSh. 4,000/-
You can cook anything without worrying about the stove's stability. The enforced footholds keep it grounded and stable.
This combination of function and safety features put the SOKANY stove a step ahead in class; enabling you to cook better, for longer.
Don’t worry about buying new cooking pots. From aluminum to granite, this cooker will work efficiently with any type of cooking pots.
Delivery fee ranges Ksh. 300-500 Depending on your Location, The amount is paid as is calculated at G4S office.
Payable via Company Till Number 973536
For customers within Nairobi and Kiambu County, we deliver the same day.
For the other 45 Counties is next day delivery depending on your location.
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