Multi Layer Shoe Rack
Easy to assemble and Convenience
Made of High Quality Material
Portability and Compatibility
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Although the shoe rack is relatively light in weight, but stable. It is easy to assemble and comes with a carefully structured instruction manual, you don’t need any experience or special tools.
The shoe rack with 6 layers. It can place 21 pairs of woman’s shoes (3 pairs/layer) or 18 pairs of man’s sneakers (2 pairs/layer, it depends on your shoes size)
Whether it’s in the basement, bedroom, children’s room, loft or camping, it can be placed. Because it has a small footprint, so the shoe rack is very space efficient and suitable for all corners.
Comes in two sizes: 6 tire:60×30×110
7 tire: 60×30×127
Colours: Blue and Black
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