Dressing Table with sliding mirror
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Dressing Table with sliding mirror
In white & pink colours
Product Name: dresser
Model number: C918
A: C918 pink left cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
B:C918 pink right cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
C: C918 fruit wood left cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
D: C918 fruit wood right cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
E: C918 Ivory left cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
F: C918 Ivory right cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
G: C918 ashtree left cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
H: C918 ashtree right cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
I: C918 cedar color left cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
J: C918 cedar color right cabinet push pull mirror 88 * 40 * 131cm
Material: density board
With drawer or not: Yes
With lock or not: Yes
With mirror not: Yes
With stool or not: Yes
Size: 87 * 40 * 131cm
Package size: 88 * 60 * 16cm
Package weight: About 30kg
Package: 1 * dresser + 1 * stool
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